
Allen & Glassman March Update

March 12, 2021


It is not only basketball and baseball that is heating up this Spring.  We have found that couples are now facing important decisions about their relationships after going through this pandemic.  Good marriages often got better and those that were just “good enough” struggled and some, and in fact many, broke down under the strain.

Our firm is here to facilitate and not to judge the difficult decisions and to try to make any necessary break-ups as amicable as possible, but here to fight for you if your soon to be ex will not allow it to be amicable.  It takes two to accomplish an amicable divorce.

On our firm front, we keep expanding and just added a new employee to our team, Amanda Klotz, whose experience in the hospitality industry will make clients feel welcome.  And when/if you see us as a family-oriented firm you are right because she is the independent but beloved daughter of our administrative manager, Victoria Klotz.

And as for our work and mission, the cases are more stressful right now because clients are themselves stressed and often uncertain and fearful about the economy to come.  But the court system is amazingly responsive and resilient and with the combination of Zoom and other technologies, along with Judges who are hard working and diligent, life is moving forward and divorces are ending.

Our work is ongoing and is directed so that former spouses and children can live their best new chapters.

Allen, Glassman & Schatz, LLC