Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

Prenuptial Agreement

A prenuptial agreement is a contract negotiated and agreed to by a couple soon to be married which outlines their assets and liabilities and sets the financial parameters for the marriage and any ending. We advise these types of agreements as an insurance policy. No one buys a house thinking it will burn down, but we still have a policy for that. In case your marriage crashes and burns, a prenup provides for a predictable and hopefully a more peaceful and economical ending.

Prenups are on the rise and there are now even apps that can help with the process. We at Allen & Glassman, Chartered have long believed in them and feel that couples can truly benefit from having one. In fact, one of our partners co-authored a book on the topic with a financial guru and a mediator.

See our FAQs for more on how to approach the conversation and who should have a prenup.

Postnuptial Agreement

Postnuptial agreements are similar to a prenup but are entered into after the couple has already been married. The need for them can arise when a couple is healing after a breakdown in trust or communications, when there are disagreements over legacy issues, or to set the stage for a separation or dissolution.

Allen, Glassman & Schatz, LLC