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Former Spice Girls Singer Files for Permanent Restraining Order

April 19, 2017
There is no doubt that orders of protection are an essential tool to protect against domestic abuse. We lawyers have seen them arguably save lives and certainly prevent physical or psychological abuse. An example of how they work to benefit a vict Read more »

The Emotional Side of Wedding Planning

April 17, 2017
The month of June unmistakably reigns as the most popular month for weddings. Wedding planners are at their busiest, helping harried brides, grooms and their families prepare for the big day. Sure, the event planning part of the wedding is importa Read more »

Three Tips to Help Couples Cope with a Holiday

March 31, 2017
Ahh, the holidays. A time for family and friends, honoring traditions, feasting, maybe some gift-giving and (hopefully) good cheer. For many couples – especially new couples – holidays can also be a time of stress when a fight can flare up for se Read more »

New Illinois Law Aims To Help Victims of Domestic Abuse

December 30, 2016
One in three women and one in seven men will experience violence at the hands of a partner during their lifetime. To combat the literal epidemic of domestic violence and sexual abuse, Illinois will soon enact a new law requiring salon professionals � Read more »

Divorce Filing in the New Year

December 30, 2016
For better or worse, most couples in unhappy relationships hold off separating or divorcing until after the New Year. Capitalizing on the momentum that the New Year brings and the chance for a new beginning can bring new energy for people who want to Read more »

Digital Privacy Clauses on the Rise

September 18, 2016
Celebrities and power couples increasingly want digital privacy clauses and protection in their prenups and postnups, but perhaps everyone ought to think more about them. What exactly is a digital privacy clause? It is an agreement that one spouse Read more »

The Financial Realities of Divorce

August 9, 2016
August 2016 Separating the emotional aspects of divorce from the financial realities is critical. Gemma Allen writes about the issue in a blog post on Chicago Woman. Read more »

Brexit’s Effect on your Finances

July 5, 2016
July 2016 Britain’s exit from the European Union could have an impact on your finances both as a couple and individually. Gemma Allen explains how in her blog post on Chicago Woman. Read more »

Prenups Are about Love

June 15, 2016
August 2016 Prenups are about making a love commitment, according to Gemma Allen, who explains why she believes that is true in this post on Chicago Woman. Read more »

Keys to a Good Divorce

March 18, 2016
No one at the altar expects to face a spouse in the courtroom but it happens. In so many of today's marriages, divorce will be the best solution to what has become an unfixable relationship. What makes divorce complex is the legal process and ps Read more »

Allen, Glassman & Schatz, LLC