
August 12, 2022

Kanye’s Split With Divorce #5: #WhyAttorneysBreakUpWithClients

The news was recently announced that in Kanye West’s split with Kim Kardashian, his fifth divorce attorney just split up with Kanye!  Kanye is famous, rich, talented, and has the highest of profiles so usually that makes one a popular client whom lawyers would value and keep.  And divorce attorneys often have not only compassion […]

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January 3, 2022

Allen & Glassman: 2021 Year in Review

The New Year is often the time when we reevaluate our life and our life choices. Covid has made those decisions more significant because lives have been disrupted in many unexpected ways. We at Allen & Glassman help to facilitate the transitions in family life, whether they are chosen or simply happen to us. We […]

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September 8, 2020

Allen & Glassman Fall Covid-19 Update

ONLINE OPTIONS EXPANDING Six months into the COVID pandemic, the court system and its experienced practicing lawyers have adjusted well to the now predominately remote practice of law. Clients wanting to retain our services can either Zoom, Facetime, videoconference, or personally conference with us by phone and retain us without coming into our office. Of […]

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Allen, Glassman & Schatz, LLC